Tuesday 7 May 2013

Owning an Instagram.

...Account. Yes, that is.
I know I haven't showed my face -or my writing, haha- around here for a while but I though I'd share this exciting growing obsession.
With the amazing update of my phone -well, update from what it was. Don't go to crazy imagining a super Stark Industries-like, update- I downloaded the long longed app.
I have just snapped a few pics but I'm hoping it will let you see more of my life.
I'm also looking out for accounts to follow, having added the bloggers and YouTube-rs, It's not enough. Oh! Also, feel free to share you fav. Instagram friendly apps to enhance beauty. (I love that word.)

                            I leave you my Instagram account:  http://instagram.com/annereader

Anyways, I'm on finals week on school and have been busy and stressed. I hope it will be off, the sooner the better.  I'm also having that cray, cray -I'm pretty sure every girl or human gets this- "I'll save some money for the future" kick. I'm hoping I can try it, even for a little while.
That's all for now, hope you are having a lovely time and see you later!